How To Live A Life That Jesus Can Reward
We tend to think a lot more about getting into heaven than we do about how we will be rewarded in heaven. There are a great deal of assumptions and misunderstandings regarding the concept of inheritance and rewards in heaven for those who are saved. Some assume that everyone receives the same reward in heaven, that entrance into heaven is the reward, or that the rewards that are given and received don’t really matter. The scriptures suggest a very different story. Jesus taught that while the saved would not face a judgement to determine their eternal destiny, they would indeed face a judgement whereby they would be rewarded or suffer loss based on their actions in this life.
Salvation is a free gift of grace by faith in Jesus Christ, not a reward for performance in any way - the scriptures are very clear about this. However, our inheritance in eternity is very much based upon our choices and actions in this life. The wise Christ-follower will pay close attention to walk in such a way as to gain the rewards promised to those who prove faithful.
Salvation is a free gift of grace by faith in Jesus Christ, not a reward for performance in any way - the scriptures are very clear about this. However, our inheritance in eternity is very much based upon our choices and actions in this life. The wise Christ-follower will pay close attention to walk in such a way as to gain the rewards promised to those who prove faithful.
Campaign Components:
A special message series
Join us each Sunday morning for an encouraging message that will help you to take the next steps in your spiritual journey of growth!
October 13th - Treasures In Heaven October 20th - The Crown of Victory October 27th - The Crown of Rejoicing November 3rd - The Crown of Righteousness November 10th - The Crown of Glory November 17th - The Crown of Life November 24th - Ruling With Christ |
A passage of scripture for reading each day
We are providing a special daily Bible reading plan that will guide you through the entire Gospel of Matthew over the course of this campaign. In your campaign guide book on page 67 you will find a passage for each day of the campaign that will take you 3-5 minutes to read. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the daily Bible reading text, and receive a text message every morning with a link to each day's reading. Just text the phrase "DAILY BIBLE" to (970) 874-4322 and you will begin receiving links on Sunday, October 13.
A weekly verse to memorize
A small group to grow with
You can connect one of our small groups right now! This group of people will be able to encourage and support you on your own journey of growth as you also encourage them. There is no better (or faster) way to experience spiritual growth in your life than with a group of people who have a desire to move toward Christ together. Below is a listing of all of our small groups that you can join right now! Be sure to use the "Email/Text Leader" to connect with a group!
Worship Services each Sunday at 10AM
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322