Delta Christian Church LIVE
If for any reason you cannot join us in person on Sunday morning, we invite you to connect with us through our weekly livestream. We begin streaming on Sunday mornings at about 9:45am on YouTube and Facebook. You can find us easily by clicking the link to your preferred network below. You can also check in with us by texting "Checkin" to (970) 874-4322. Be sure to say "Hello" as our live services have a host standing by to greet you, answer questions, and pray with you should you have a prayer need.
Worship Services each Sunday at 10AM
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322