There has only ever been one possible candidate for Messiah! |
Throughout biblical history, God called many men who served God’s purposes as prophet, priest, and king, but none were permitted called to perform all these roles. There were some kings who prophesied, but they were not considered prophets per se. Some priest possessed certain political power, but not for ruling the nation. Some prophets also possessed priestly roles, but did not serve as high priest and did not posses political power. Jesus, because He was the Messiah, was the only one who would fill all three roles of prophet, priest and king. As a prophet he taught the people the word of God using parables as the scriptures prophesied, performed miracles, and like the vast majority of the prophets, was executed. As priest, Jesus became the intermediary between us and God, offered Himself as an atonement for the sin of all mankind - the final fulfillment of sacrifice and the all sufficient sacrifice for sin, and lives to make intercession for the saints now at the right hand of God. As King, Jesus demonstrated His authority over all things and in His earthly ministry revealed the power, people, providence, and proliferation of His Kingdom, and will return to rule His kingdom and place all things in subjection to the Father and finally overthrow evil.
Part 1: The Parable Of The Sower
Part 2: The Parables of the Tares, the Mustard Seed, and LeavenPart 4: The Parable of the Talents
Worship Services each Sunday at 10AM
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322
Nursery care and Children's Church up through 5th grade available at all services.
Delta Christian Church • 795 1600 Road • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4322